Friday, January 1, 2010

Getting Started

It's 2010 and I've been sharing ideas, recommendations and fantastic finds for a long time so I thought it would be a good time to check out the blog space.

So why listen to me, right? Exactly what I kept thinking - it's what kept me from starting a page for all these years. But now with Facebook, Twitter, Seed, and wikis I kept thinking there are so many places to research but not too many people take the time to do that. So how do people find out what technology tips and tricks are out there? How do they know which one will be what they'd really use? That's what always drove me to share what I found with my friends based on how they live. Yes, how they LIVE! That's it! Why get the new iPhone or the new Blu-Ray if you don't need it or better yet, you don't know you need it yet!

There have been so many times when I've been out with friends or even met someone new and mentioned a new iPhone app
and they ended up loving it and took my recommendation and or I've told them my reason for not getting the Series 3 Tivo and they realized they shouldn't either.

The gap between the products that are available and the buyers that will truly appreciate them is research. These days, if there isn't a commercial about it or you don't have a "techie" friend that can help you out; you are on your own.
Whether you're working in or out of the home, raising a family or just looking for a short cut to finding a gadget of your own, I hope you can find the help or advice you need along with some interesting things to share.

1 comment:

  1. It looks like you have a very useful and well-written blog here -- nice work! I suggesting adding a link to the rss.xml file (which blogspot generates for you) in the footer for people who use other feed readers besides Atom-based ones.
